

What is Cloudify? 

    Cloudify is an enterprise-class open source PaaS stack (Platform as a Service) that sits between your application and your chosen cloud. It enables your application to concentrate on doing what it does best, leaving Cloudify to ensure that the resources it needs are available regardless of the cloud and stack used.
    Enterprise-class  means refers to hardware and software that provides high speed and high reliability. 

Cloudify is designed to offer the following features:

  • Any App, Any Stack - Deploy any middle ware stack using a recipe based deployment mechanism
  • Automation of the Entire Lifecycle - Deploy, manage, and update your application using a single platform
  • Automatic Self-Healing - Crashed nodes and machines are automatically replaced by new ones, following recipe instructions
  • Auto-Scale, Your Way - Automatic scaling of your application services based on out-of-the-box or custom metrics. Scale-in or scale-out!
  • Any Cloud - Support all major cloud and virtualization platforms. Your application is completely decoupled from the cloud API
  • Cluster-Aware Monitoring & Performance Management - Plug-gable monitoring, collects tier and application KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).
  • Fully Testable on Your Laptop - Easily start, debug & test on your laptop with a fully functional cloud emulator. No VMs, no hassles!

Install the Cloudify shell:

Where do i get cloudify :

How do i install cloudify : 
You can refer the guide provided in the cloudify site, we have also tried to explain with a sample in this page.

How Cloudify Works?

It Treats your infrastructure similar to code.
As a result, deploying and managing your application becomes a simple process:
  • Prepare your deployment
  • Deploy the services and application
  • Monitor and manage the deployment using the Cloudify web management console or the Cloudify shell

What is Recipe?

Cloudify operates through a concept called recipe, the original term recipe means a preparation procedure or required items. Cloudify chooses that kind of mechanism.

A set of instructions for how to cook your app on the cloud.

A recipe describes application inter dependencies between tiers (services), the entire deployment process for provisioning each tier, and post-deployment tasks such as monitoring KPIs, fail over handling, and the rules for self-healing and scaling.

We will see more about the cloudify in next post

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